Water Science and Engineering




  • 主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部
  • 主办单位:河海大学
  • 国内刊号:32-1785/TV
  • 国际刊号:1674-2370
  • 投稿信箱:qkwtougao@126.com
  • 出版地方:江苏
  • 创刊时间:2008
  • 发行周期:季刊
  • 见刊时间:1-3个月
  • 影响因子:0.432
Water Science and Engineering
Magazine System

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Water Science and Engineering杂志简介

《Water Science and Engineering》于2008年创刊,以水科学研究与水工程建设为论述主题,主要刊登水科学研究、水工程建设、水资源保护、水生态修复等方面用英文撰写的原创性研究(技术)论文. 《Water Science and Engineering》着重报道关于地球水圈研究的新事实、新概念、新理论、新方法;反映在暴雨、洪水、干旱、水资源、水环境等领域中的新科技成果和发展趋势;交流在江河治理、跨流域调水、水电能源、生态修复等水工程建设中的新技术和新经验以及国内外相关学术会议及技术交流等动态信息。WSE杂志的主要读者对象是与此有关的研究人员、工程师及高校师生。

数据收录:CSSCI 南大核心期刊(中文社会科学引文索引)(含扩展版),北大核心期刊(中国人文社会科学核心期刊),CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(含扩展版),统计源核心期刊(中国科技论文核心期刊),知网收录(中),维普收录(中),万方收录(中),EI 工程索引(美),CA 化学文摘(美),SA 科学文摘(英),SCI 科学引文索引(美),




Water Science and Engineering杂志投稿

1. The submitted manuscripts must be neither published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.

2. The manuscripts should be written in concise and grammatical English.

3. The manuscripts should be arranged in Word format (paper size B5) with one column according to the paper template (including font, size, line space, etc.), which can be obtained at http://www.waterjournal.cn . 

4. The paper should be organized in the following order: title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, key words, introduction, research contents, results, conclusions, acknowledgements, and references.

5. The title is preferred to be limited within 10 substantives. Only the initial of the first word needs to be capitalized, the others be lowercase letters (except proper nouns), and unusual abbreviations should be avoided.

6. Authors’ given names should come before surnames. The initials of given names and all the letters of surnames should be capitalized (e.g. John Quincy ABBOT). For Chinese authors’ names, a hyphen is necessary between two given names (e.g. Cheng-li ZHANG). There should be commas between authors’ names.

7. An abstract of more than 150 words (the title not repeated in the first sentence, and diagrams, formulas and references not included), which gives prominence to the creative ideas, the work’s purposes, methods, major findings, conclusions, etc., and key words (3 to 8 words) should be included in the manuscript.

8. The International System of Units (SI) should be adopted in the manuscript. All units in the text, figures, tables, and calculations should be used consistently.

9. All variables symbolized by single letters should be in italics; standard functions and letters symbolizing constants should be in normal style; and letters symbolizing vectors, tensors, and matrixes should be in bold italics. Each symbol that is presented in the paper for the first time should be defined. Foreign characters in capital form or lowercase form in the text and formulas should be distinguishable. Letters, numbers, and signs used as either superscripts or subscripts should be clearly identified.

10. Figures and tables with proper design should be placed right after where they’re referred to in the text. Each figure or table should have a corresponding title and be numbered consecutively. Three-line tables are required to be used. Iconographs should be drawn by computers in the format of TIF, JPG, AutoCAD or BMP for editing convenience. Variables in figures and tables should be in italics. Units of variables in normal style need to be put in parentheses, e.g. v (m/s).

11. If the paper is sponsored by a fund project or an important subject, please show its title at the bottom of the first page and put the serial number in subsequent parentheses.

12. The author-date system is required to be used for citations in the text and the reference list.

13. Please make a general evaluation on the academic level of the paper and point out its significance in theory and practice. Please present your opinion on whether this paper is suitable for publication in Water Science and Engineering.

14. In the introduction section, please pay much attention to whether there is sufficient literature review on the latest advances in related issues at home and aboard, and whether the authors give a specific description about their innovation.

15. WSE refuses to accept papers in which the work described has been published before, or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Falsification, plagiarism, and confidentiality issues are unacceptable. If you find any of the above problems, please point it out verbatim.

16. If you make some modifications on the reviewed paper, please upload your revised paper. For papers that are considered suitable for publication but need modifications by the authors, please provide detailed suggestions on how to improve the papers.

17. For papers that are considered unsuitable for publication in Water Science and Engineering, please present the reasons for rejection.

Water Science and Engineering杂志评论

  • 谦谦君子222
    04-13 15:32:10

    文章发表审稿流程蛮多的,但是如果能遇到好的编审老师那就比较快,效率也高。所以今天特意想感谢一下《Water Science and Engineering》这本杂志的编辑老师,是你们让我少走了很多弯路给你们点个赞。真的非常感谢!

  • 操作日记
    06-17 11:26:56


  • 小宇媳妇852058
    07-05 09:41:45


  • 柳州东尹
    04-16 10:05:05


  • Alec艺林
    04-09 09:38:21


  • 在国内,核心期刊已经是高水平的期刊了,但真不敢说是最高水平

  • 学术期刊和专刊有啥区别?

  • 大雨徐来
    04-16 10:46:21




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